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  • 10 Nov 2024 2:03 PM | Samantha Hess (Administrator)

    Do you know or work with a wonderful school social worker or colleague who always supports school social work in the work they do?

    Please consider nominating for our annual awards! Recipients will be recognized at our Annual Conference on February, 28th, 2025. Click each link below to nominate for our three different awards! If you have questions please email us at Please nominate by December 31st, 2024! 

    Social Worker of the Year:

    Friend of School Social Work:

    Champion of Children:

  • 18 Nov 2023 8:03 PM | Samantha Hess (Administrator)

    Do you know or work with a wonderful school social worker or colleague who always supports school social work in the work they do? Please consider nominating for our annual awards! Click each link below to nominate for our three different awards! If you have questions please email us at

    Ohio School Social Worker of the Year

    Ohio Friend of Social Work

    Ohio Champion of Children

  • 24 Feb 2023 10:27 AM | Samantha Hess (Administrator)

    OSSWA has been busy this year! Check out our 2022 Annual Report! 

    OSSWA Annual Report 2022.pdf

  • 7 Jan 2023 11:50 AM | Jill Miller (Administrator)

    We have many AMAZING School Social Workers and Friends of School Social Work, in the State of Ohio, who work diligently in providing direct, as well as indirect, services to students, families and school personnel to promote and support students' academic and social success.  Please consider nominating someone you know for our 2023 AWARDS!

    DEADLINE for the two awards below is extended to Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2023 by 5pm.

    School Social Worker of the Year

    Friend of School Social Work

  • 30 Nov 2022 4:37 PM | Samantha Hess (Administrator)

    The following information is taken from the NASW article linked below:

    "An amendment to HB 509 has been proposed that would allow for people with degrees other than in social work to be licensed as an LSW. If the amendment is adopted and if the bill is passed by the Senate, title and practice protection for social workers in Ohio would end. The public could no longer trust that a “licensed social worker” is actually someone with a degree in social work, eroding our professional standing and reputation. Social work is a specific profession with regulated standards for education, field practicums, and licensure. A degree from a related field likely carries no requirements for an internship meaning that an LSW could have no practical experience before becoming licensed. Furthermore, it devalues and disincentives earning a social work degree as a baccalaureate program requires 400 hours of field education and a master program requires 900 hours."

    To read more about this and to learn who to contact to advocate against this bill, check out NASW's article here: 

  • 5 Nov 2022 1:37 PM | Samantha Hess (Administrator)

    Award Nominations are Now Open for our 2023 Annual Conference. All nominations are due by January 6th, 2023. 

    2023 School Social Worker of the Year is:...

    Clearly we have all showed up and showed out this past year. But, I have no doubt that there is one out there that has proven to be one of our brightest stars. This is the time to make sure everyone knows who they are by nominating them as School Social Worker of the year.

    Nominate Here 

    2023 Friend of School Social Work is....

    We know as professionals that we do not work in silos. As the world of School Social Work advances there are many allies (friends) who have assisted in helping others recognize and respect our work. This is our opportunity to do the same for our "friend" so nominate them for this award.

    Nominate Here 

    2023 Champion of Children is ...

    Which city, county or state government person has made our children a priority and worked toward supporting the profession and goals of school social work. This is the time to recognize their efforts - no matter the office (city council person, police chief, health commissioner as well as state representative, mayor)

    Nominate Here 

  • 8 Jun 2022 6:56 PM | Deleted user

    Social Worker Licensure Considerations - Jan. 2022.pdf

    Page 1 is previewed below, for the entire document, please use the above link! 

  • 8 Jun 2022 6:48 PM | Deleted user

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